Project - Rental Management System Automation–

The Rental Management System is an automated internal online portal used to manage rental properties, which includes various features like – • Create/Update maintenance requests • Providing missed Rental alerts • Maintain Rental agreements • Keeping track of Rental deposit and reference checks

New Bank System –

This is a Java application where in the customers could interact with their bank accounts via a simple command-line interface. Users could choose from a list of menu options from updating their accounts to transferring money between accounts or to an outsider. A micro loan system was also available wherein the users could themselves become lenders or could borrow money in small amounts with an interest rate.
My role – • Developed a menu for creating a new account, modifying customer details, depositing and withdrawing money, using Java. • Worked in an Agile environment with weekly sprint cycles. • Updated project status using Trello and put in new ideas/suggestions for improving the project using Metro Retro tool. • Every change in source code was updated using a pull request in a project Repository using GitHub. • All data manipulation was done using SQL queries on MSSQL database.

Delphi (Global Exhaust Divestiture)

I was responsible for requirement gathering, which involved client meetings, Coding and also Testing. As a team member, I had to give presentations on topics required.